
Kochfest | Oh? | Afblijven!! | Yadag! | Yoghurt (3) | Yoghurt (2) | Yoghurt (excerpt) | Yoghurt | And it was hell… | Leeft! | miscellaneous


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Grey in the morning a squad car pulls up
to what’s the door of free France to the free Batavia
Oh, free Batavia
And out in the shadows, behind bolted doors
red-clad disaster rules the raided office floors

Where Donald Duck and Rudolph Raindeer
shoot the breeze and share a rootbeer
mothers feed and children play
ambassadors get blown away
Every other corner turned,
the multitude of missiles churned
Every step to safer life another leap away
Rockets fire, shuttles plunge
And every jump towards the night’s a stride into the day

I’m a big believer
I’m a soul retriever
I’m the nightmare you expected
never to return
I see through you
I know it’s true
I can smell the flesh
of the bodies that you burn

Hold me now, and save me
Let me cry, then wave me
Love me, but leave me
Stroke me, then receive me

I’m a big believer
I’m a soul retriever
I’m the nightmare you expected
never to return
I see through you
I know it’s true
I smell the flesh of those you burn

“Can you tell one apart from the other four
Can you believe we won’t see another breakin’ out of a war,
to Gaia’s cry?”

In our vivid nightmares
right behind our homes
intellect lines up
to be shot by checkered gnomes

I’m a big believer
I’m a soul retriever
I’m the nightmare you expected
never to return
I see through you
I know it’s true
I can smell the flesh
of the bodies that you burn

Hold me now, and save me
Let me cry, then wave me
Love me, but leave me
Stroke me, then receive me

I’m a big believer
I’m a soul retriever
I’m the nightmare you expected never to return
I see through you
I know it’s true
I smell the flesh of those you burn


I’m a big believer
I’m a soul retriever
I’m the nightmare you expected
never to return
I see through you
I know it’s true
I can smell the flesh
of the bodies that you burn

Hold me now, and save me
Let me cry, then wave me
Love me, but leave me
Stroke me, then receive me

I’m a big believer
I’m a soul retriever
I’m the nightmare you expected
never to return
I see through you
I know it’s true
I smell the flesh of those you burn

You burn!