
Kochfest | Oh? | Afblijven!! | Yadag! | Y | Yoghurt (3) | Yoghurt (2) | Yoghurt (excerpt) | Yoghurt | And it was hell… | Leeft! | miscellaneous


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This young dude on the bank of a river – remember him?
This candidate on the other side – still picture him?
I say it matters if he throws the stone or not
Let that fucker throw his pellet – even if it gets him shot

Seen these freaking diplomats out shaking hands and changing hats
Seen these ragged women cry, howling wolf before they die

People speak peace, then boldly state
That the killing of kids saves the future Jewish state
What’s it matter? If all deals made can only shatter
When’s it do a bit of good if the way to be ain’t understood
If the way to be ain’t the way, you see
For every bleedin’ activist our growing world could not have missed

That’s what they say, ma’am
But I don’t give a damn
As long as I can die for you
That’s what they say, ma’am
But I don’t give a damn
As long as I can die for you
Die for you
For you

What’s it do to all of you?
What’s it make when life’s at stake?
Babe, I know that the musts are true
But I would rather be with you

Babe they can take it all
And stuff it down where the light don’t shine
If we don’t dance their bleedin’ ball
We could not ever be fine?
Well, we’ve made the rounds right on the shepherd’s back
And we don’t take no shit no more – we might as well be black

That’s what they say, ma’am
But I don’t give a damn
As long as I can die for you
That’s what they say, ma’am
But I don’t give a damn
As long as I can die for you
Die for you
For you


That’s what they say, ma’am
But I don’t give a damn
As long as I can die for you
That’s what they say, ma’am
But I don’t give a damn
As long as I can die for you
Die for you
For you
Oh, die for you
For you
Yes you