Oh? | Afblijven!! | Yadag! | Y | Yoghurt (3) | Yoghurt (2) | Yoghurt (excerpt) | Yoghurt | And it was hell… | Leeft! | miscellaneous


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Bring myrrh and frankincense, and I will be your baby
And if you change the hay, I’ll survive, maybe
Save me from Herod’s hoods and we’ll show them who is boss
Be my Pilate, baby, I will climb that cross
I should love to climb that cross – I’ll love it

Let’s indict these shepherds with a negligence of flock
They peer into the stable in a state of shock
I’m having feelings here I haven’t had before
Away the manger, we are curling on the floor
On the floor, oh, that floor, and

We’ll walk the water, tread the wild wave
All these great men we’ll outbrave
Come, shake ’em, let’s hit the unknown
Even a messiah hates to be alone
The world is your oyster, yours if you wish
Look, what I do to this bread and these fish
If you get thirsty, well, that’s just fine
You bring me water and I’ll produce wine, yes
We’ll walk the water, tread the wild wave
Come be my master – I’ll be your slave

I make the lame man walk, I make the blind man see
But you can make my water run, that’s what you do for me
Make this belly tingle, these organs burn
Come to me, my darling, feel this body yearn
How this body yearns – how it burns

You’d better stop these tears in your eyes
Sadness is useless and the world’s full of lies
Take my hand, let’s get high

We’ll walk the water, tread the wild wave
All these great men we’ll outbrave
Come, shake ’em, let’s hit the unknown
Even a messiah hates to be alone
The world is your oyster, yours if you wish
Look, what I do to this bread and these fish
If you get thirsty, well, that’s just fine
You bring me water and I’ll produce wine, yes
We’ll walk the water, tread the wild wave
Come be my master – I’ll be your slave