This is the free digital download for Yoghurt’s fifth album, ‘Kochfest’ (2020).
The album is available on vinyl (22,50 euros) via IBAN NL91INGB0007558562 (BIC INGBNL2A) in the name of MFE VAN REENEN, mentioning Yoghurt, the album’s name ‘Kochfest’ and the delivery address. Prices include shipping costs.
When you download either of these files, your IP-address, as well as the date and time of your download, will be logged. As we are only interested in how many downloads we incurred, gathered information will be destroyed at the end of each month and only the anonymous number of downloads will be kept for our records.
You are free to enjoy and spread our music. But you may not sell it to third parties without our prior written consent.
You can contact us through
We hope you enjoy this double album. It took us 7 years to make.
This is the free digital download for Yoghurt’s fifth album, ‘Kochfest’, in wav-format, packed in a zip-file (1108,979 KB).
This is the free digital download for Yoghurt’s fifth album, ‘Kochfest’, in mp3-format, packed in a zip-file (157,965 KB).